One of the areas that I need to pay attention to in my business, is business. I love to create. It is my air, my water, my food.
Everything that I need to do to run my business has felt like smog in my air, sludge in my water and mold in my food.
Basically it is
I know I am not alone in the world of people who pursue art for their career. That being said, I am going to make a conscious effort to try and have a little fun with the professional end of being an artist in a sole proprietorship.
I will think of it as a diet of sorts, an exercise program to "get in shape". I'm sure my accountant will be relieved, if not pleased.
The first thing to do in any diet of exercise program is to:
a.) take an honest assessment of your current condition and
b.) define reachable goals
The honest assessment of my business footing is, well, a little off balance. I quit keeping books in July. All of my receipts and records are at least in separate piles, grouped by month. A reachable goal? I will work on this bookkeeping every day until completed ( but not to exceed two hours a day.)
I have begun to develop a presence in social media, but as far as that evolution, I would say I have not evolved much past being a sponge. Therefor, for the time being, I will devote at least 20 minutes a day to becoming more visible on the web, my first effort being to learn to become a "blogger."
I think I have exceeded my limit of left brain functioning for the day. Time to go create.
I think I will sort and clean some fossils.